
Principles of Improv Drive Success

Successful improv relies on a set of key guidelines that help performers create spontaneous, engaging, and collaborative scenes. These guidelines can also be applied to various aspects of business, leadership, and personal relationships.

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7 Hacks to Grow your Leadership

In the realm of leadership, the concept of ‘mental range’ stands as a hallmark of great leaders. It’s a multifaceted spectrum, encompassing cognitive flexibility, emotional intelligence, and the ability to understand and adapt to various perspectives and environments. Mastering this mental range is not just an attribute but a continuous journey, essential for leaders who aim to create lasting and meaningful impacts in their organizations and beyond.

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Survival in Changing Markets

Here I’ll tell a story from one of my businesses to articulate the (Market Dominating Positions) MDP’s that helped us thrive through market shifts. Success and resiliency come from relevant positioning, and a message that is heard by your customers. Businesses who have not developed a MDP are relegated to competing on price alone, overspending on marketing, and at risk of new competitors entering their market. This is a story of three market transitions, and how we found ways to add new value positions that were relevant to our market. Rewind back to the mid 90’s, my tech business had

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Pathway to Future Customers

In this article we’ll examine 5 essential keys to a successful and reusable marketing campaign. With these basics down, you can use them over and over again. The 5 essential keys are: Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP); Put an effective sales offer to work; Avoid the marketing pitfalls; Use a world-class marketing perspective; Get results! As we go through each of these you will see how to use them and how together they drive the marketing campaigns’ success. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer and ask these questions from their

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