Free Publicity with a PR Strategy

In the realm of public relations, consider three pillars that can supercharge your business growth:

  1. Exposure: Getting the word out about who you are and what you offer.
  2. Merchandising: Showcasing your products or services in an appealing way.
  3. Promotions: Offering special deals, events, or insider access to attract attention.

Develop a comprehensive plan that integrates these aspects, and you’ve set the stage for an effective PR strategy.

Now, when we talk about media, think broad. While newspapers, TV, and radio are still valuable, you also want to target online platforms. Blogs, social media, and online newsletters can often provide quicker and more segmented access to your target audience.

Here’s a detailed plan of action:

  1. Crafting a Relevant Press Release: Your first step is to write a press release that directly addresses your potential customers’ needs or wants. Instead of just announcing your business, focus on how your product or service solves a problem or adds value to their lives. Use simple language and real-world examples to drive the point home. It also has to be newsworthy, no matter how valuable the information is to your client, it won’t get through the media manager unless it’s also valuable for them to publish it. You are serving two audiences here.
  2. Adding the ‘Hook’ and ‘Angle’: Once you’ve outlined the core message, think of a ‘hook’—a compelling headline or opening sentence that grabs immediate attention. Your ‘angle’ is the unique perspective or twist that keeps the reader interested. For example, if you’re a tech firm offering cybersecurity, your hook could be a recent high-profile data breach, and your angle could be how your solution could have prevented it. Again, if the hook doesn’t speak to the media manager, they will pass it by.
  3. Formatting and Professionalism: Make sure your press release looks and feels professional. A clean layout with a bold headline, a lead paragraph that contains the most vital information, followed by supporting details, and finally your contact information. All of these should be printed on your official company letterhead.
  4. Targeted Distribution: Now, who needs to see this? Research and identify the media outlets that your target audience trusts. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all game. Local and national newspapers, TV stations, radio channels, industry-specific magazines, influential blogs, and digital newsletters should all be considered.

Remember, the press release is not just a sales pitch; it should be newsworthy and offer genuine value to the reader. If you can tie your offering to solving a prevalent problem or enhancing people’s lifestyles, both the media and the public will take notice.

Celebrity Endorsements: If you have the opportunity to collaborate with a well-known figure who aligns with your brand and message, it could give your PR a significant boost. Just ensure the partnership makes sense to your audience and adds credibility to your message.

Follow-Up: After your press release has been distributed, don’t just sit back. Follow up with media outlets to see if they need additional information for a story. This proactive approach can make the difference between getting a mention and getting a feature. When you speak with media managers seek to learn what they are looking for, it will help you create better press releases as well as build a know like and trust relationship.

As Jay Abraham wisely pointed out,

“One of the most powerful techniques every business should use is free publicity. As the name implies, there is no cost, just the time and effort required to attract attention to your business.”

Need further guidance on creating an impactful press release or overarching PR strategy? Feel free to reach out. Together, let’s turn your PR challenges into golden opportunities for measurable growth.

Dave Koshinz PCC

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